Where do I start?

There are plenty of people to thank.

On a very self indulgent and personal note I would first like to thank my wife Lisa, for not just putting up with every harebrained scheme I come up with, but supporting me through them no matter how idiotic the scheme may be. She gave up her time and some of our family budget to make this ride possible. Thanks Duck!

I would also like to thank the other 4 members of the team. You made a great experience greater, you dealt with the tough times with great calmness and put up with my grumpiness when things went wrong. You got cracking.

Matt would like to thank his wife Sue for giving him his leave from the housework to go training.

Also his kids, Holly and Bradley for being his motivation for pedaling faster so that he'd see them sooner.

The four riders of the team are very much in debt to our team member Bryn Edwards, who gave up annual leave entitlement and hard cash to drive a van in support of the trip. It just wouldn't have been possible without you. Many thanks.

Bryn would like to offer thanks in the following: -

"I'd like to thank everyone who helped us - whether it was the staff and customers at the Leap or the relatives, friends, workmates who made donations. The people who went out of their way to help and support, the drivers who were courteous and Gary will eventually forgive those who weren't, those who offered encouragement. In fact everyone who supported and helped us, whether their contribution was large or small they were all very very much appreciated and they are not forgotten. Thank you all. (now where do I pick up the award?)"

We would all like to thank the following: -

Former Gold Commonwealth cyclist Keith Reynolds for the training advice passed through Sheila's Wheeler Matt and for keeping his mouth shut regarding our unprepared state before the ride. The power of mind over matter eh?

Rob and Joe for their excellent guide (the style of which has been plagiarised mercilessly in this account ) to cycling End to End was a great planning tool for our trip. Thanks for making it available to all for free. Rob and Joe's JOGLE

Best Connection Group for the publicity and the funds the staff raised in aid of our charities.

Flora Van Hire and Controlled Scaffolding for sponsoring the van used to support the ride.

The staff and patrons of the Deer's Leap Public House in Kingstanding took part in family fund raising days, raffles and sponsorship raising an enormous amount of money. You're good, good people.

The staff and patrons of the Great Barr Club who raised sponsorship. You too are good people.

The staff at Leisure Lakes Bowling in Crewe who donated a couple of games of Ten Pin Bowling and a couple of rounds of drinks. The only late night we had during the ride was this one. We had a great evening, ta!

The many people we met en-route who helped or donated to our charities. We were constantly amazed at how trusting and generous the people of Great Britain are.

Fred Williams Cycles in Wolverhampton for the excellent advice on cycle gear and very reasonable prices.

The Great British Weather. It was perhaps a little too hot, but it was nice. For two whole weeks. Just a few spots of rain. So ta!

The friends and family who came out to visit us as we arrived in Ludlow, Mick and Jan Gough, Tom Lafferty, Sharon and Andy Hodgets, Keith Mayers, Karen Mayers. It was a great moral boost to spend an evening with you during the ride. A special thank you to Mick who bought us our evening meal and asked us to donate the cost of our meals to our charities. And also to Tom who supplied the Sheila's Wheelers T-shirts.

The welcome party at Land's End which included Terry and Libby Clews, Jessica "Kicka" Clews, Susan Clews, Val, Rob, Lucy and Sam Poxon, Carl and Trudy Mayers, Lisa Hurdman, Susan, Holly and Bradley Leech, Vicky Hurdman, Tom Lafferty, Mary, Aiden and Christie Lafferty.

Thanks to all our sponsors. Many, many thanks.